Tallinn Round Table on business relationship development between Estonia and Odessa region, Ukraine.

Meeting in the format of round table organized by Tricoastal Horizons OÜ will take place on November 19th, 2015 in Tallinn, Estonia.

The aim of the event is a further relationship development as well as providing a business project sharing platform for open and unobstructed communication between government officials and business people.

TriCoastal Horizons OÜ will present its vision of Odessa region development and introduce a unified grid of bioenergy projects coupled with a unique port servicing technology in association with Green Marine AS (Estonia).

Among participants taking part in round table are officials of Odessa Oblast Administration, TriCoastal Horizons OÜ, Green Marine AS, representatives of Port of Tallinn, Ministry of Economy and members of Riigikogu, officials of the Ukrainian Embassy in Estonia, members of the Estonian Chamber of Commerce.

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