Odesa Sea Port Authority

Website: http://uspa.gov.ua/ods/?lang=en

Territory: 141 hectares.
Quantity of berths: 54
Extent of a berthing line: over 9,000 mtr.
Maximal vessel dimensions: length – to 330 mtr, width – to 40 mtr, draught- to 13.0 mtr.
Navigable period is possible year-round.

The port’s technical capacities allow handling of more than 21 million tons of dry and 25 million tons of bulk cargoes annually. Container terminals provide handling of over 900,000 TEU per year. The passenger terminal is capable to serve up to 4 million tourists a year.

Such types of cargoes as oil and oil products in bulk, liquefied gas, tropical and vegetable oils, technical oils, containers of all types and sizes, ferrous and nonferrous metals, ore, pig-iron, raw sugar in bulk, grains in bulk, perishables in containers, various cargoes in bags, boxes, packages, big-bags and integrated cargo units, motor transport are handled in the port. Cargoes potentially dangerous environmentally are an exception. In mild winters ice may not even appear in Odessa Gulf. Tides depend on wind force and duration, ranging between 0.6–1 m.

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