Port of Tallinn

Website: https://www.ts.ee/en/

Port of Tallinn operates as an intermodal hub, handling passengers as well as various cargo on a daily basis. An umbrella organisation, the Port of Tallinn owns two passenger harbours (Old City Harbour, Saaremaa Harbour) and two cargo harbours (Muuga Harbour and Paldiski South Harbour).

In terms of the number of passengers served, Tallinn Old City Harbour is the third-largest harbour on the Baltic Sea (after Helsinki and Stockholm) and the fourth-largest in Northern Europe. The Muuga Harbour is Estonia’s largest cargo harbour. Port of Tallinn offers port services as a landlord port, i.e. it owns, administers and develops berths and port basins, leases land to cargo operators, organises vessel traffic in port basins and ensures safe navigation in port waters. Port of Tallinn owns passenger terminals and other facilities required for passenger service but cargo harbour superstructure belongs to cargo operators. Muuga Industrial & Logistics Park, Paldiski South Harbour Industrial & Logistics Park and Saaremaa Logistics Park are also a part of the harbour complexes.


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