About Us

TriCoastal Horizons OÜ – Estonian company working in the fields of green, alternative and renewable energy, infrastructure project management, global investment and financing.

TriCoastal Horizons  was founded  by a group of professionals with global experience in the areas of direct foreign investment, real estate, construction project management, global immigration and international law.

Humankind has entered a new phase and we believe that it is absolutely critical now to sustain the resources we use. The technologies we feature prove that enviromentaly responsible direction for industries does not require vast investments nor considerable changes for the technologies used today.

Our goal is implementing bioenergy  and green technology with simple and accessible solutions.

Our mission is a working synergy of  technology, experts  and government involvement in projects benefiting both the economy and the environment.

TriCoastal Horizons is an active member of Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Green Energy

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